-=[ LND aka. 1x33x7 ]=-=[ LeGeNdZ wIlL nEvEr DiE ]=-

Samstag, 21. Juli 2018

RDP ForcerX v1.4 Plus Download


RDP Scanning...  
User and Password Brute/Wordlist Attacking...
Eigendlich soweit eines der besten Tools in diesem Bereich
Viel Spaß damit  😁

(-) Xtreme (-) Todeskino

Freitag, 20. Juli 2018

Geldverdienen mit Telegram

hier ein paar Telegram-Bots womit ihr Geldverdienen könnt  😁😁😁😁



Soviel fürs erste es werden sicherlich noch mehr folgen :) 
allerdings muss ich weitere erstmal noch richtig testen bezüglich Auszahlung
bis zum nächsten mal :)

 (-) Xtreme (-) Todeskino

browsh — fully interactive, realtime, and modern text-based browser rendered to TTYs and browsers

Why use Browsh?

Not all the world has good Internet.
If you only have a 3kbps internet connection tethered from a phone, then it's good to SSH into a server and browse the web through, say, elinks. That way the server downloads the web pages and uses the limited bandwidth of an SSH connection to display the result. However, traditional text-based browsers lack JS and all other modern HTML5 support. Browsh is different in that it's backed by a real browser, namely headless Firefox, to create a purely text-based version of web pages and web apps. These can be easily rendered in a terminal or indeed, ironically, in another browser. Do note that currently the browser client doesn't have feature parity with the terminal client.
Why not VNC? Well VNC is certainly one solution but it doesn't quite have the same ability to deal with extremely bad Internet. Terminal Browsh can also use MoSH to further reduce bandwidth and increase stability of the connection. Mosh offers features like automatic reconnection of dropped or roamed connections and diff-only screen updates. Furthermore, other than SSH or MoSH, terminal Browsh doesn't require a client like VNC.
One final reason to use terminal Browsh could be to offload the battery-drain of a modern browser from your laptop or low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi. If you're a CLI-native, then you could potentially get a few more hours of life if your CPU-hungry browser is running somewhere else on mains electricity.


(-) Xtreme (-) Todeskino


Vielen Dank für das besuchen meines Blogg :D hoffe ihr habt spaß | Much thx for visiting my Blogg :D hope you enjoy it